Cleansing and Detoxification

You’ve probably heard many Herbalists or Naturopaths talk about cleansing and detoxification and maybe have awful mental images of strict fasting for weeks at a time, drinking hideously tasting brews and having foul discharges out of every orifice. Detoxification can certainly be like that if you’re into heroic self-sacrificing ordeals, but it doesn’t have to be and to our mind, nor should it be.

Cleansing is an art, it’s a gift you give to your body, mind and emotional selves that says you are worth taking care of. It’s a chance to redirect focus from external distractions and spend some deep quality time with what is really happening within you. To listen to your body, reduce the intake or exposure to things that are inflaming, depleting or harming you; and hear what your body, mind and soul are needing to sustain and support you. It’s an opportunity to break detrimental patterns; and to clear anything you are holding onto that no longer serves your health and highest wellbeing.

Guiding clients through an individually tailored cleansing program is a regular approach we take to help re-set and quickly improve many health conditions. Digestive issues, skin problems, allergies, fatigue, energy and weight management all respond beautifully to cleansing. We go at the clients’ pace and keep in contact throughout the process to answer any questions they have. So many clients report how great they feel afterwards, how energised and vital they feel; how many uncomfortable symptoms have improved; and surprise at how easy it was to implement the changes.

We also run a twice yearly group cleansing program in Spring and Autumn, a great way to connect with other people and be supported along the way. Use the form below to register your interest for the next one to be held in April 2022.

Alternatively, if you would like an individually tailored cleansing program, use the link below to book a consultation time.

Register interest for Cleanse 2022

Detailed information will be emailed to you closer to the date